Five Reasons Why Teenagers Should Listen to Classical Music
By Naomi Franklin on December 27, 2012

Rock, pop, rap - those are cool music genres. But classical music? That's for old people. At least, that's what many of my peers think. They only embrace pounding, repetitive instrumentals and breathy, whiny vocals - and so miss out on the richness of classical music. Here are five reasons why my generation should listen to classical music:
1. Classical music "makes you smarter." Although classical music doesn't literally enlarge your brain or turn you into Einstein, its orderly structure refreshes your mind. Rock music is loud and repetitive, exuding emotions of unrest and chaos. Classical music is organized and intelligent. I say "intelligent" because it takes extreme intelligence to compose a classical piece. Each little part fits together exactly; every instrumentation, every note, is placed exactly. An excellent piece of music reflects the intelligence of the composer and creates an environment of peace and order perfect for academic work or logical thinking.
2. Classical music enriches your emotional experiences. We're teenagers. We're the most moody, emotional people around. But the music we listen to doesn't lend value to our experiences. The majority of pop music sounds the same and expresses the same two emotions: happiness over love and depression over break-ups. Life is more than that - trust me. Classical music is extremely diverse; it expresses hundreds of different emotions. Listening to a certain piece makes you feel a certain way; the right piece of music at the right time holds tremendous power. (I will explore this more in a later post!)
3. Classical music inspires creativity. Electronic media is taking over today's world. We spend less and less time creating and more and more time consuming. When we come home from school and relax on the couch, we find ourselves automatically turning to our iPhones, tablets, and laptops for entertainment. Our brains are dying; we're forgetting how to be creative. Classical music inspires us. Music alone won't teach you how to design a card, write a poem, or build a chair. But music WILL offer you appropriate inspiration. I write poems based on classical music. I listen to beautiful pieces, and my emotions respond; music calls me to create. Classical music is both orderly and emotional - the perfect environment for creativity. Next time you're bored, listen to a classical piece and let me know what you're inspired to do. (Inspiration is not necessarily the desire to do a certain project - it may take the form of an idea, a thought, or a feeling.)
4. Classical music is moral and lovely. Much (though not all) pop music has swearing and explicit references. My dad and I get pretty angry when we hear a good pop song with a creative melody and interesting chord changes that forfeits itself for a dirty word or immoral reference. We never listen to pop radio in the car because it's just too dirty. It's not safe or healthy. But classical music is. Classical pieces are clean and lovely. That's what teenagers need to dwell on - things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8). The world offers us enough temptation; we needn't increase our load by meditating on sinful lyrics.
5. Classical music reflects the qualities of God.
a. Order: "For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace" (1 Corinthians 14:33). Classical music is carefully organized and ordered, just like our Creator.
b. Intelligent design: "[God] founded the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding." God is a brilliant creator. He spread out rivers, built mountains, crafted flower buds, and designed the human body. His Word is perfect and true; every word counts, every word has meaning. Classical music is similar. Composer are intelligent designers. Every note counts toward the meaning of the piece.
c. Excellence: God is perfect in all that He does. His work is inherently excellent, because He is inherently excellent. He doesn't get lazy and decide to just throw things together - His work is perfect. Classical music exhibits excellence. Composers write carefully and meaningfully to produce a beautiful piece that is as perfect as possible. (In contrast, many pop songs are thrown together overnight.)
d. Creativity: Our God is creative. Look at His creation! Nature is diverse and unique; no two people are alike. Classical music uses this same creativity. Unlike pop music, classical music does not conform to an extremely simple design, but demonstrates a huge variety of keys, chords, melodies, and moods.
e. Beauty: "Honor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary" (Psalm 96:6). Order, intelligent design, excellence, and creativity result in astounding beauty. Our God is astoundingly beautiful. The ordered, intelligent beauty of classical music reflects the character of God.
I agree
I agree with each of these 5 reasons - I always tells my kids why listen to junk when there is so much beauty in the world??
Thanks so much for your
Thanks so much for your feedback. You're totally right: there is so much beauty out there and our job is to pursue and find it. Thanks for stopping by. :)
"Classical music is moral and lovely."
Hate me for this, but I don't think all pop music is dirty; just most of it is. And if you've ever heard the names George Crumb or Kryzystof Penderecki, you'll know that there's a lot of "classical music" out there that isn't exactly "lovely". It's great music – really, it is – but it isn't "pretty" or "beautiful", it wasn't meant to be, and it doesn't want to be. And if Richard Strauss's Salome isn't dirty, I don't want to know what is.
Also, I think you can listen to dirty music without "meditating" on it – just because you listen to it doesn't mean you agree with it. I know a lot of people who don't like the messages mainstream pop sends, so they just ignore them and don't let them influence them. It is good for teens to have positive influences, but let's face reality: they've probably already witnessed a lot of immorality in their own lives and censorship doesn't erase that. We shouldn't absorb the messages that pop music sends us, but that doesn't mean we can't just ignore them and listen to the music that is there.
Otherwise, great reasons!
Hello! Thanks for reading and
morality of classical music
Thanks so much for replying!
I find classical music much more meaningful than pop music too. I feel like pop music is flat and emotionless in comparison. I can understand how it could be kind of fun to listen to sometimes, but in my mind, simple chord progressions, lyrics, and melodies can't come close to the deep emotion of classical music.
About absorbing music's messages – I think it definitely depends on the person. For instance, I read books with swear words but never use them myself, whereas some people I know are easily influenced by the language they read and hear. I think if you can listen to unclean music and still be a moral, clean person, then listen to whatever music you like.
Anyway, thanks again for promoting what matters to me most in life: God and classical music! I love your blog.
I'm the only kid in my class who listens to classical music
I really love classical music.I'm 14. I always try to persuade my friends into listening classical music too. But they call me old fashioned and geek because of that.
I agree with your reasons completely..
I think it's awesome that you
I think it's awesome that you like classical music! You will definitely benefit from it. Good for you for trying to persuade your friends. Don't worry if they think you're geeky - I'm geeky, too. Talk about classical music with me! We will be geeky together.
Thanks for reading. :)
Classical music
I am the only person I know who actually spends their iTunes vouchers in classical music albums! Pop
music is too repetitive and boring in my opinion. I am at school and everyone in my class thinks classical music is ancient.
Same here.
Glad I'm not alone! I'm 14 and my life is about music. It's always discouraging when people shun me for what I do or deride my aspirations to be a professional violist. Even if your friends don't appreciate your music, remember that you are not alone!
Hey, I'm the only one in the class who love classical music too. I began listen to it, when I was about 10: I saw the Harry Potter movies and thought; wow, that music gives me goosebumps. I really love soundtracks of movies and stuff, but I also love other classical music. But I still love pop music too! :)
I am a teen and I love classical
I am a teen and I love to listen to classical music. It is relaxing and gives me indescribable feelings. However, this is my deepest darkest secret. I'm ashamed to hide something like this because I am an open person. I hate that I act like I enjoy pop junk around my peers and parents, but when I get alone time, I listen to what I really enjoy. I'm scared of their reactions. I wish I could find the courage to tell everyone what I really feel.
RE: I am a teen and I love classical
Dear Susan,
Thanks for sharing your experience with us, be encouraged that you are not the only one! In fact, when I was a teen my parents had a very hard time understanding why I was inspired by more contemporary classical stuff, where the sound (tonality) was very foreign to them (like Charles Ives). They at times expressed their opinion in an almost ridiculing way. But I realized it was their limitation, not mine, and that I was not doing anything wrong. So, out of a healthy curiosity I kept on looking for music that was fresh sounding to my ears, and in so doing expanded my artistic appreciation - which is always a GOOD thing! You don't have to make a formal announcement to anyone that you listen to classical music (or any other music that is not typical "pop"). Just keep developing your appreciation for things richer than commercial rock music, and if someone finds out, so be it. Just tell them every pop song they are listening to has its roots in the harmonic language of Bach and Mozart. And if they complain that classical has no "beat", tell them to listen to Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring - they have never heard such intense pounding rhythm in any rock song in their life.
RE: I am a teen and I love classical
If classical music has no "beat", I wonder why it takes so much work to get an ensemble to play together... I wonder why there are conductors, and I wonder why musicians count and subdivide when they play...
The Rite has the best rhythm!
So true! I am a 14 year old guy, and I would take Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, any day over these pop vocalists! As a band geek who plays alto sax, French horn, and piano, I am a Classical Musician who will play Classical music for fun and not just radio songs.
It's annoying how you could find a masterpiece, but most teenagers are like "Um, where's the fun in that music..." They have no idea how much Classical music takes to perform and compose!
Thank you for sharing your views and I agree wholeheartedly!
I think teenagers should listen to both pop and classical, but not completely get absorbed by classical. There should be a balance. As a teenager myself, I am very passionate about classical music, but I love pop music as well. I think that classical music can make people too depressed, because its so emotional. Also, there is an impact on music because of technology and modern industries. Teenagers like pop music because it doesn't "flood" them with confusing emotion. Before I liked classical music, I loved pop music and never thought that classical could be so enjoyable. It does take time to understand classical music. Pop music also has more "enjoyable" upbeat rhythm, unlike, say, Nocturnes, waltzes or operas. These rythyms allow teenagers to kind of keep active, whereas the complexity of classical music can have some negative effects psychologically (Romatic Era music, at least). On the other hand, pop music is simple - and that's what people want these days, I guess; and that is reflected in music - simple, repetitive, easy to understand, unlike classical music, which is much richer and expressive. People are afraid of these strong emotions. They don;t want to be sucked in by the dreamy-ness. They want to live their "live to the full," without being ditracted by the difficult emotions of the classical composers. (There is also the fear of being called "gay" and other names, but that's a minor issue.)
In my opinion, trying to encourage a teenager to listen to classical is like giving a glass of wine to a child. They are scared by its "strong taste." Maybe we should just wait until they are old enough to "try the wine?"
Couldn't Agree More
I am a sixteen year old girl and I absolutely love classical music, always have. I consider myself an emotional person, and often I can't find a way to relate that emotion to any of the music my peers listen to today. Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Fun - it's all just so meaningless, and worst of all, it's all the same. Sex, parties, more sex, drinking, I hate you and I want to break up, I love you, and sex. In the end, who cares?
I think some people listen to pop music because they truly, genuinely like it, and others listen to it because they've forgotten that music is supposed to make you feel something. I love when piece or a song rips out a raw emotion inside of me that I didn't even know I had, when it brings a smile to my face or an interesting thought to my head. Maybe it's just the fact that I like to think, and so in turn, I enjoy music that makes me think rather than just sit there, listening mindlessly to some girl drone on and on about a breakup story I've heard in 47 other songs.
But on the other hand, I enjoy swing and jazz, another from the 1920's to the 1950's, and then a few in the 80's and 90's. Indie Rock, Alternative, a little rap, and honestly, a little pop. Classical music isn't the only music I listen to, and it shouldn't be. I don't think teenagers need to be listening to classical if it really isn't their thing, but I do believe it's important to expand your knowledge of music outside your comfort zone. You just might find yourself liking a genre you'd never imagined you would.
I agree with all of the
I agree with all of the points. I am a 17 year old boy and I love listening to classical music. Most of my friends listen to rap, dub step and metal. I find all of those not relaxing but when I listen to classical I find it very relaxing. It's nice to know I'm not the only person around my age who likes classical music.
i say that music can change a
I believe that music can change a persons life. When you feel sad, mad, angry, lonely. music can put a smile on your face. But only if you listen to the right type of music.
Classical music
I am 15 years old and I love classical music.
I get so restless from listening to rock music, but classical music helps me relax.
It's just so beautiful, I don't understand why not more teenagers listen to it.
Five words for ya: HANS
Five words for ya: HANS ZIMMER AND JOHN WILLIAMS. Let's get real. I love Mozart and stuff, but my modern inspiration is film music, namely Star Wars, POTC, LOTR, and surprisingly, Home Alone. (not kidding-try Somewhere in my memory- GORGEOUS) Im 14 and I'm lucky enough to have an older sis who like this stuff too and buys it on iTunes so I can use it too! :)
Hans Zimmer/John Williams
Dear soundtrack violist,
Could not agree more with you. The great film composers are inspired by classical music to be sure, but since their music supports screen action, it is "programmatic" music. Programmatic music is very easy to relate to as it paints a picture of the action whether we are watching the movie or even just listening to the music at home. I LOVE film music.
Thanks for your comment!
Music Recommendations
As far as classical goes, I find myself really liking stuff like this:
As far as jazz, this type of stuff is cool
Wow, great stuff!
Hi Carl, You obviously have finely-tuned and developed taste! I really like your YouTube music choices, as they are "classic" great pieces and demonstrate that high level of expression that we should appreciate and value. Bravo that you are listening to great music that makes a strong artistic statement.
Being that I have more knowledge and experience in the jazz realm, I will build on the jazz links you posted and offer these ideas:
First of all, Take Five (Brubeck) is just a classic! Thanks for reminding me. I love Paul Desmond's playing (alto sax). He has just about the most beautiful alto sound you can find, and that is for sure his trademark. In the American jazz culture where we tend to hear the aggressive/abrasive side of things, it is SO refreshing to be brought back to a whole other aesthetic - it seems that young sax players in general steer away from this kind of sound, i.e., most of what you hear is higher/faster/louder with a New York City edge. There is room for all of it, but we have been inundated with the "edge" for quite a few years now, so Desmond reminds us that the alto can be played with an ethereal smoothness. Another guy that plays with a smoothness but does get intense is Cannonball Adderley (died 1975). He kind of bridges the gap between the high-intensity aggressive players and a guy like Desmond. You will hear him on the "Blue in Green" link I recommend below.
Your second jazz recommendation is really nice too. The only issue I have is with the accompanying images to the "Cowboy Bebop" music piece. I don't think that dwelling on pics of shadowy figures smoking cigarettes really helps all that much, and kind of colors the experience in a negative way for me. But that aside, to build on that style (without the rain and thunder sound effects), I offer the originator of that sound - Miles Davis (died 1991). I am not promoting him as a person or life style (as we know, countless artists that have made significant contributions to music have had self-destructive lives). But I can freely promote his artistic genius and musical statement. Here is a piece like the one you recommended (brooding muted trumpet) from his landmark recording "Kind Of Blue". The tune is "Blue In Green":
Here is Miles (with no mute) really breaking new ground with the standard "My Funny Valentine". This is from an album of the same name released in 1965. With this band, influences from classical music are heard all over the place, especially from a young Herbie Hancock (piano). The fluidity of harmonic and rhythmic direction you hear within a jazz standard tune was unprecedented. This group opened up the vision of what could be done with a traditional tune as they took improvisation to a whole other realm where sophisticated composition happened at the moment. Absolutely amazing:
Here is the same piece done at a different time/place with video as well:
Thanks for your contribution to the blog! You started a very inspiring thread.
Steve Harrow
Miles Davis
Miles Davis - Blue In Green - One of his chill songs. I like the backing piano and bass on this, really mysterious. The drum brushes really add a nice touch to this too.
My Funny Valentine - Wow, crazy to believe that's Herbie Hancock on the piano. Just goes to show his versatility, being able to go from this to Rockit.
Very interesting EP
Rameses B - Pure EP. Very beautiful and relaxing music.
Rameses B Pure EP - art or pagan ritual?
Carl, thanks for introducing me to Rameses B, I had no prior exposure to this group. I am curious what attracts you to this sound, especially since you find value in the classics such as Bach and good jazz. This is not in the same ball park!
The purpose of this music (as stated by the lyrics) is to get you into a STATIC mental state, where reason and discernment no longer exist. The music itself, although perhaps a bit catchy for 15 seconds, is hypnotic and is designed to imitate a drug-like state of quasi-consciousness. In the artist's own words on this cut: "the point of life is simply here and now...completely absorbed in sound, living in an eternal now, no past, no future...". This is clearly New Age - on steroids!
Musically speaking, we can analyze it if you wish, but it is not worth the time as there is minimal content (as is the case with most New Age), and whatever is there simply repeats in an undulating manner and goes absolutely nowhere. Real art does not cause our mind to "check out". Real art calls forth our emotions AND intellect, and challenges us to be alert observers of something both pleasing and profound. "Rameses B Pure EP" is pure pagan ritual, i.e., music one USES to attain a static mental state. Music should NOT be USED in this way, but rather, the reason we ought to listen to great music is that it has something significant to SAY, often beyond words, and it beckons us to take part in the artistic journey with our wits about us.
The only reason to listen to Rameses B Pure EP (if you must) would be to know that it exists, and subsequently realize that you should stay away from it. I say this as both a musician and as a Christian - I cannot defend this music from either vantage point.
Yes, I am speaking bluntly here, and I have no intention to make you feel bad. Rather, I speak plainly because this kind of stuff is not edifying, and potentially a risky choice. I certainly appreciate you bringing this to my attention, as it needs to be discussed openly in a public forum.
Music is so much more enjoyable when you expand your horizens
"I am curious what attracts you to this sound, especially since you find value in the classics such as Bach and good jazz. This is not in the same ball park!"
I find value in all genres of music, and I find no one genre to be better or worse than another. There is good and bad music in every genre. Since we share similar taste as far as classical and jazz is concerned I thought it would be nice to explore some stuff you may not yet be familiar with yet. Classical and jazz are only two genres that exist in the marvelous musical landscape we have today.
Rameses B is a rising artist in a genre known as Drum and Bass (also called D&B). Drum and Bass is of course a subgenre of electronic music. This D&B EP in particular was really relaxing and had some great insights on music and life. D&B is only one type of electronic music. There are many other kinds such as House music by artists such as Daft Punk. House music has a great beat for dancing and it is very energetic and inspiring, in the same way that you may see an inspiring piece of classical. I'm not the only one who feels this way, other videos of the songs themselves have hundreds of thousands of views (not that popularity has anything to do with musical quality, but it is clear this music has a large fanbase) and thousands of comments such as this one:
"This song is the most hopeful song ever created by man. It literally forces you to feel, existence, self, meaning, inspiration, everything at once hits you like a wave. Then you fly, you realize the flight is all there is like Alan Watts said, and you accept it. You enjoy it. Have a wonderful day everyone. ♥"
That is of course one commenter's opinion, but you see my point.
My favorite electronic music album happens to be Daft Punk's "Discovery". I highly suggest you give that album a try before abandoning electronic music altogether.
Daft Punk - Discovery
Thomas Bangalter, who worked on the album, had this to say about it:
"According to an interview with Remix Magazine Online, Thomas Bangalter stated:
This album has a lot to do with our childhood and the memories of the state we were in at that stage of our lives. It's about our personal relationship to that time. It's less of a tribute to the music from 1975 to 1985 as an era and more about focusing on the time when we were zero to ten years old. When you're a child you don't judge or analyze music. You just like it because you like it. You're not concerned with whether it's cool or not. Sometimes you might relate to just one thing in a song, such as the guitar sound. This album takes a playful, fun, and colorful look at music. It's about the idea of looking at something with an open mind and not asking too many questions. It's about the true, simple, and honest relationship you have with music when you're open to your own feelings."
Later Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo (the other half of the French House duo) went on to say:
"I play more guitar usually, and Thomas plays more keyboards and bass. There's no ego involved. We don't argue about who's playing what. You can get the sound of a guitar with a keyboard, or the opposite. We don't really care about who's doing what as long as it's well-done. At the same time, when you use samples, you don't have this problem. When you use a sampler, nobody plays [live] on it, so the problem of the ego of the musician is not really there. For everything that we do, no matter how you get to the results, the important thing is the result."
I have no problem with you disliking the music, as everyone has their own tastes and no one person's taste is better than another person's. Some people just like a song because of the way that a guitar sounds, or they like the beat, or they like the lyrics/message, or they like the way the singer's voice sounds. Some people (including you and I), have a musical collection that is largely instrumental. Everyone likes different things. We can always try for a home run with something else. After all, all art is 100% subjective. However, I have no idea how you could see such blissful, mellow and meaningful music as some Pagan Ritual?
I'm not referring to you in specific, but I find this type of attitude the very reason why teenagers avoid classical music. Some classical fans (not all, but some) along with some jazz fans seem to believe that no other genres are as worthwhile, which is 100% untrue. Rock, Hip Hop, Electronic, Country, Metal, Folk, Indie, Blues, Latin, R&B, Soul, Swing and Pop are all beautiful genres of music, and I've learned to love them all.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with R&B, but one of the greatest albums ever made was an R&B album. I am not the only one that thinks so.
"What's Going On" Professional ratings
AllMusic 5/5 stars
Billboard favorable
Chicago Tribune 4/4 stars
Robert Christgau B+
The Observer 5/5 stars
Q 5/5 stars
Rolling Stone favorable
The Rolling Stone Album Guide 5/5 stars
Slant Magazine 4/5 stars
Uncut 5/5 stars
"What's Going On" was made by an R&B artist by the name of Marvin Gaye. The man only wanted love and peace for everyone, and his song lyrics reflected that. Songs like "God is Love"
"God Is Love"
Oh don't go and talk about my father
God is my friend
Jesus is my friend
He made this world for us to live in, and gave us everything
And all he asks of us is we give each other love.
Oh ya
Don't go and talk about my father
Cause God is my friend
Jesus is my friend
He loves us whether or not we know it
Just loves us, oh ya
And He'll forgive all our sins
Forgive all our sins
And all He asks of us, is we give each other love.
Oh ya
Love your mother, she bore you
Love your father, he works for you
Love your sister, she's good to you
Love your brother, your brother
Don't go and talk about my father, He's good to us,
God is my friend
Jesus is my friend
For when we call in Him for mercy, Mercy Father
He'll be merciful, my friend
Oh, yes He will
All he asks of us, I know, is we give each other love,
Oh ya
I'm not sure how familiar you are with Hip Hop, but the best album of the year so far was a Hip Hop album. Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp a Butterfly". I am not the only one that thinks so.
"To Pimp a Butterfly" Professional ratings
Metacritic 97/100
AllMusic 4.5/5 stars
The A.V. Club A–
Billboard 4.5/5 stars
Chicago Tribune 4/4 stars
HipHopDX 5/5 stars
New York Daily News 5/5 stars
Pitchfork 9.3/10
Rolling Stone 4.5/5 stars
Slant Magazine 4.5/5 stars
Spin 10/10
Some of the songs contain explicit lyrics, but any mature listener should be able to handle it. What is most important is Lamar's delivery and the message behind his writing. The album lyrics contain of the most touching poems I have ever had the pleasure of hearing in a piece of music.
"The caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it
Its only job is to eat or consume everything around it, in order to protect itself from this mad city
While consuming its environment the caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive
One thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him, but praises the butterfly
The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness, and the beauty within the caterpillar
But having a harsh outlook on life the caterpillar sees the butterfly as weak and figures out a way to pimp it to his own benefits
Already surrounded by this mad city the caterpillar goes to work on the cocoon which institutionalizes him
He can no longer see past his own thoughts
He’s trapped
When trapped inside these walls certain ideas start to take roots, such as going home, and bringing back new concepts to this mad city
The result?
Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant
Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations that the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle
Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same."
And surely you can't forget about the lasting legacy of geniuses such as The Beatles and Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson - Thriller (song: Thriller):
The Beatles - Abbey Road (song: Something):
As Michael Jackson said:
“And that's what innocence is. It's simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.”
Mr. Harrow, I would love to see you expand your horizons. God bless you.
I love classical music but..
I've always loved the simplicity and intricacy of classical music, but being the band student of a music major teacher, I can't help picking apart different elements of the piece and analyzing them rather than just enjoying the music. I can only "enjoy" it when I'm working on other tasks like homework, and then it just becomes background music. Oh the struggles of being a band student. Great reasons though!
I wanted to have a habit of listening to classical music
Would you recommend the best classical music that would enrich my intelligence? thank you so much :)
I am a teen and I love classical music
I really agree on all these reasons. I've loved classical music ever since I was 3, my dad always played William Tell Overture and I thought it was the best song ever. Though I went through that phase when I was 6-7 years old when i liked Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez ect. When I was 8 we heard that the theater in downtown was going to be showing the Nutcracker and I was really excited for it. The dancers were beautiful, but I was mostly fascinated by the orchestra, I really admired how hard the instruments were playing. Later I said to my dad I wanted to play an instrument and I began playing the violin the next year. For the rest of my life I've listened to classical music and I'm obsessed with composers like Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart, Shostakovich, Rossini, Bizet, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Saint-Saens, Poncielli, Offenbach, Mussorgsky.
Thank you Dani!
Dear Dani,
We appreciate you sharing your experience, very insprirational! Keep playing that violin!
Steve Harrow
Classical music
It's not exactly true that classical music is more creative for using a "variety of keys." Switching keys (and especially in the context of classical music) can easily be dissonant through weird leaps. Many times in classical music the key switching happens on an altered note (any of the notes in the 7th mode of the melodic minor) and that makes people pretty confused and it's why people get lost (not in the good way) in classical music. Many people are under the false assumption that classical music is better just because it's older and fancy people listen to it. While the composer almost always understand the relationships between the notes, and the chord progressions, many people today don't and just listen to it because they were told to, and that's kind of wrong.
Nice article. I am not a teenager but I agree with the points you make, especially the last one. I really feel that classical music expresses God's qualities like not other genre.
Of course, Gregorian Chants are for me the best for that and I could included them under this same category of classical.
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